from Coast to Coast with love

I'm Erin, the dyer behind Coast to Coast! I've felt the draw to creativity my entire life, but never really found my niche until I found yarn. I taught myself to knit and crochet in my early twenties while living in Maine as an Innkeeper with the goal of making myself a pair of socks - and as they say, the rest is history.
As soon as I found out that hand dyed yarn was something that people made, I knew I needed to give it a try. I started playing around with dyes in 2018, transitioned to dying full time in 2020, and hired help and moved into a studio space in 2022. As of March 2024, we're opening a storefront right next to our dye studio here in Wichita!
I love earthy colors and speckles, and you can expect to see that reflected in the colorways that I create, even through the constant evolution that is creativity. It all comes full circle when I get to see the things you create once I pass the skeins off into your capable hands.
Thank you for being here, and supporting this dream!